Unit 3
Guiding Questions:
What is a self-advocate?
What does self-advocacy look like to you?
How can you plan to become a better self-advocate?
What have I learned about the importance and benefits of self-advocacy?
How do we identify good qualities of leadership?
How is our ability to compromise connected to becoming an effective leader?
How can I define the leader in me?
How have different types of leaders influenced my life?
How can we continue to build relationships and develop our communication skills?
How can visualization help me recall information?
How do elaboration strategies improve my memory?
How can we put the principles of visualization and elaboration to use?
What is the connection between self-awareness and your emotions?
Why is it important to know who we are as individuals?
What are the connections between self-advocacy and self-awareness?
What have I learned about the importance of becoming self-aware?
How can I strengthen my communication skills?
How does being self-aware help identify biases?
What are the connections between self-advocacy and identifying biases?
What have I learned about biases and self-advocacy?
Unit 3
This unit is an exploration of self-advocacy and the merits that self-awareness and advocacy can bring. Learners are encouraged to explore what it means to be a self-advocate and how this is connected to concepts such as leadership, bias, and self-worth.
With the use of role-play, learners will understand the importance of self-advocacy and how being a self-advocate is essential not only to your own well-being, but for the well-being of others.
R | I | S | E | ! |
Reach Potential | Invest in Learning | Seek Self-Awareness | Engage in Community | ! Wild Card |
Lesson 1 | Lesson 2 | Lesson 3 | Lesson 4 | Lesson 5 |
Unit 3 Overview
Lesson 1: What is Self-Advocacy?
Lesson 2: What are the Qualities of an Effective Leader?
Lesson 3: What are the Principles of Visualization and Elaboration?
Lesson 4: What are the Benefits of Self-Advocacy and Self-Awareness?
Lesson 5: How do Biases Influence Self-Advocacy?
DEFINE self-advocacy & explore related concepts
IDENTIFY benefits of self-advocacy
CREATE a self-advocacy plan
IDENTIFY and reflect upon goals and decision-making
- NYS SEL Benchmarks
- 1B.3a. Analyze how personal strengths and areas in need of improvement influence choices and outcomes.
- Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grades 11-12 topics, texts, and issues, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
- CASEL Competency: Responsive Decision-Making: Analyzing Situations
- NYS SEL Benchmarks
- 1B.5c. Evaluate how developing interests and “giving back”/filling useful roles support school and life success.
- 1A.5b. Evaluate how expressing more positive attitudes influences others.
- 1B.5a. Implement a plan to build on a personal strength, meet a personal need, or address a personal challenge
EXPLORE qualities of leadership
EXPLAIN and categorize qualities of leadership
REFLECT and make connections to leadership qualities
- NYS SEL Benchmarks
- 1A.3a. Analyze factors that create stress or motivate successful performance.
- 1A.3b. Apply strategies to manage stress and to motivate oneself to constructively address challenges.
- 2A.4a. Analyze similarities and differences between one’s own and others’ perspectives.
- 1C.4b. Apply strategies to overcome obstacles to goal achievement.
- Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grades 11-12 topics, texts, and issues, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
- NYS SEL Benchmarks
- 1A.5b. Evaluate how expressing more positive attitudes influences others.
- CASEL Competency: Social-Awareness - Perspective Taking
EXPLORE the principles of visualization and elaboration
IDENTIFY and set short-term goals
MAKE associations and connections to personal goals
- NYS SEL Benchmarks
- C. Demonstrate skills related to achieving personal and academic goals.
- 1C.4a. Identify strategies to make use of resources to overcome obstacles to achieve goals.
- Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences.
- CASEL Competency: Self-Management - Goal-Setting
- NYS SEL Benchmarks
- 1C.4a. Identify strategies to make use of resources to overcome obstacles to achieve goals.
- 1B.4a. Set priorities that build on strengths and identify areas for improvement.
- B. Recognize personal qualities and external supports.
- 1B.4a Set priorities that build on strengths and identify areas for improvement.
DEFINE self-awareness
IDENTIFY emotions
EXPLORE personal strengths and weaknesses
REFLECT upon concepts of self-awareness and self-advocacy
- NYS SEL Benchmarks
- 1A.4a. Analyze how thoughts and emotions affect decision making and responsible behavior
- 1B.3a. Analyze how personal strengths and areas in need of improvement influence choices and outcomes.
- Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grades 11-12 topics, texts, and issues, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
- CASEL Competency: Self-Awareness: Identifying emotions
- NYS SEL Benchmarks
- 1B.5c. Evaluate how developing interests and “giving back”/filling useful roles support school and life success.
- A. Identify and manage one’s emotions and behavior
EXAMINE personal biases
EXPLORE bias scenarios
ROLE PLAY for advocacy
IDENTIFY and reflect upon connections between self-advocacy and biases
- NYS SEL Benchmarks
- 1C.4a. Identify strategies to make use of resources to overcome obstacles to achieve goals.
- 1B.3a. Analyze how personal strengths and areas in need of improvement influence choices and outcomes.
- Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grades 11-12 topics, texts, and issues, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
- CASEL Competency: Responsive Decision-Making - Analyzing Situations
- NYS SEL Benchmarks
- 2A.4a. Analyze similarities and differences between one’s own and others’ perspectives.
- 1A.5b. Evaluate how expressing more positive attitudes influences others.
- 1B.5a. Implement a plan to build on a personal strength, meet a personal need, or address a personal challenge.
Lesson Access
Click below for access to the Unit 3 lessons. These lessons are available for online viewing or downloadable for offline access.