Unit 2
Guiding Questions:
What is mindfulness?
How is courage connected to fear?
How can you become inspired by acts of courage?
Have you ever heard of the word mindfulness?
What is the connection between trust and support?
What is the connection between trust and safety?
How can we challenge our memory skills?
What is the connection between selectivity and association?
Why is goal-setting important?
How does your body react to stress?
What is the connection between stress and your environment?
Why is it important to manage stress?
How does reflection help my growth?
How can we act courageously to help improve ourselves?
What does it mean to have a full plate?
What adjustments might we need to make in order to achieve our best life?
How can we use courage to achieve our ideal life?
Unit 2
In this unit, learners will come to understand the value of courage and connect it to other concepts related to self-care as explored in Unit 1.
Learners will be motivated to understand concepts like trust or fear and how it is connected to courage. Additionally, learners will understand how to use courage to facilitate mindfulness and self-regulation, develop a plan on how to achieve their goals, and how to better manage stress.
R | I | S | E | ! |
Reach Potential | Invest in Learning | Seek Self-Awareness | Engage in Community | ! Wild Card |
Lesson 1 | Lesson 2 | Lesson 3 | Lesson 4 | Lesson 5 |
Unit 2 Overview
Lesson 1: What is Courage?
Lesson 2: What is a Support System?
Lesson 3: What are the Principles of Selectivity and Association?
Lesson 4: How Can I Solve Problems and Manage Emotions?
Lesson 5: How can Courage Help us Live our Best Life?
ANALYZE the practice of mindfulness.
DEFINE and explore the concept of courage
MAKE connections to the concept of courage and
- NYS SEL Benchmarks
- A. Recognize the feelings and perspectives of others.
- 2A.4a. Analyze similarities and differences between one’s own and others’ perspectives.
- 2A.4b. Use communication skills to gain understanding of others’ feelings and perspectives.
Use context (e.g., the overall meaning of a sentence, paragraph, or text; a word's position or function in a sentence) as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase.
- NYS SEL Benchmarks
- A. Identify and manage one’s emotions and behavior.
1A.4a. Analyze how thoughts and emotions affect decision making and responsible behavior.
- C. Demonstrate skills related to achieving personal and academic goals
1C.4a. Identify strategies to make use of resources to overcome obstacles to achieve goals.
EXPLORE the concept of trust
IDENTIFY key members of support
EXAMINE personal relationships and connections
- NYS SEL Benchmarks
- A. Identify and manage one’s emotions and behavior.
- 1A.4a. Analyze how thoughts and emotions affect decision making and responsible behavior
- CASEL Competencies: Relationship skills - Relationship Building
- Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grades 9-10 topics, texts, and issues, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
- NYS SEL Benchmarks
- B. Recognize personal qualities and external support.
- 1B.4b. Analyze how positive adult role models and support systems contribute to personal growth and achievement in school and in life.
- 1B.5a. Implement a plan to build on a personal strength, meet a personal need, or address a personal challenge.
- B. Apply decision making skills to deal responsibly with daily academic and social situations.
- 3B.5b. Evaluate how responsible decision making affects interpersonal and group relationships.
EXPLORE the concept of selectivity
IDENTIFY and set short-term goals
MAKE associations and connections to personal goals
- NYS SEL Benchmarks
- C. Demonstrate skills related to achieving personal and academic goals.
- 1C.4a. Identify strategies to make use of resources to overcome obstacles to achieve goals.
- Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences.
- CASEL Competency: Self-Management - Goal-Setting
- NYS SEL Benchmarks
- B. Recognize personal qualities and external supports.
- 1B.4a Set priorities that build on strengths and identify areas for improvement.
EXPLORE the concept of stress
IDENTIFY sources of stress
CREATE a stress-management plan
REFLECT and revise plan
- NYS SEL Benchmarks
- 1A.3a. Analyze factors that create stress or motivate successful performance.
- 1A.3b. Apply strategies to manage stress and to motivate oneself to constructively address challenges.
- 1A.4a. Analyze how thoughts and emotions affect decision making and responsible behavior.
- Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grades 11-12 topics, texts, and issues, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
- CASEL Competency: Self-Management - Impulse Control
- NYS SEL Benchmarks
- D. Demonstrate the ability to prevent, manage, and resolve interpersonal conflicts in constructive ways
- 1B.5a. Implement a plan to build on a personal strength, meet a personal need, or address a personal challenge
- 3A.4a. Demonstrate personal responsibility in making ethical decisions.
EXPLORE the value of courage
EXAMINE inventory responsibilities
EXAMINE ways to implement courage
REFLECT on Learning
- NYS SEL Benchmarks
- A. Identify and manage one’s emotions and behavior.
- 1A.4a. Analyze how thoughts and emotions affect decision making and responsible behavior
- 1B.4a. Set priorities that build on strengths and identify areas for improvement.
- 1C.4a. Identify strategies to make use of resources to overcome obstacles to achieve goals
- 1C.4b. Apply strategies to overcome obstacles to goal achievement
- 1A.5c. Demonstrate the ability to adjust one’s behavior in response to changes in one’s environment or to changes in one’s goal(s)
- 1A.4b. Generate ways to develop more positive attitudes.
- NYS SEL Benchmarks
- 1A.5b. Evaluate how expressing more positive attitudes influences others.
- CASEL Competencies
- Respect for Others
- Communication
- Self-Awareness - Accurate Self-Perception
- Evaluating and reflecting
Propel conversations by posing and responding to questions that relate the current discussion to broader themes or larger ideas; actively incorporate others into the discussion; and clarify, verify, or challenge ideas and conclusions.
Lesson Access
Click below for access to the Unit 2 lessons. These lessons are available for online viewing or downloadable for offline access.