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Teach Your Best Lesson!


Description of Services

Mockingbird Methodology workshops conducted at your site with your staff.  

  • Practitioners  (teachers, coaches, mentors)
  • Administrators
  • Support Staff

We recommend that you invite all staff that interact with program participants.  Mockingbird Methodology workshops create common language and common culture for staff.  Additionally, Mockingbird strategies are relevant to any staff member that interacts with students or plays a role in program and staff culture. 

Methodology workshops are customized to meet client needs.  Workshop participants leave each day of training with concrete and practical tools that can be used  immediately in their program and context.  

Strategies are a blend of  facilitation, coaching, and mentoring strategies in the following areas: 

  • Trust-Building Learner
  • Engagement
  • Directing Attention
  • Productive Participation
  • In the Moment Motivation
  • Coaching
  • Mentoring
  • Learning Culture
  • Program Culture
  • Andragogy
  • Mental Wellness
  • Curriculum Design

Workshops are 1-5 days.  Our most popular is the 2 day and the 3 day.  

Workshops are generally 9-4 (or any 6-8 hour time frame).

Our workshop facilitators are trained in Methodology research and practices and have years of experience working in at-risk programs. They don’t just teach the Mockingbird Methodology, they are walking models of the Methodology in action.  

Expect your facilitator to model and demonstrate every strategy and to make your learning experience interactive, informative, and inspirational.  

Workshop Participants

  • Increased understanding of how vulnerability factors impact the learning experience for vulnerable learners
  • Increase knowledge, skills, and awareness 
  • Skill development in compassionate and responsive strategies


  • Common language among staff for how vulnerability impacts program services
  • Common practices for working with vulnerable learners

When staff engage Mockingbird Methodology strategies, workshop participants report the following changes in student behavior:

•Decrease in behavior management challenges
•Increase in  engagement and participation
•Increase in attention
•Increase in motivation
•Increase in self-esteem and confidence

  • Workshop Manual
  • Online Access to ECHO Platform with membership
  • Classroom and implementation resources are available on ECHO

Technology is not needed for workshop.  

Contact Mockingbird for a Sample Agenda

Mockingbird provides ongoing support, reinforcement, and coaching through our Talent Development Platform called ECHO. 

Participating in ECHO is an annual membership.

Mockingbird offers members webinars, implementation and coaching sessions as part of membership.

Contact Mockingbird For budget information.