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Mockingbird Education

Small Behaviors That Make a

Impact on Student Success

Increase Your Impact with


Streaking is not running across the football field naked!

Streaking uses the science of behavioral psychology to help you adopt and practice new teaching (facilitation), coaching, and mentoring strategies 


Improve Your Talent Working with Vulnerable Learners
Improve Success with small but powerful strategies
Develop Habits that Transform Your Success With Learners

What is the Mockingbird Streaking Challenge?

Improve Your Success Working with Vulnerable Learners

Each week Mockingbird helps practitioners practice one tiny facilitation, coaching, or mentoring strategy that makes a big impact with vulnerable learners.

The Science of Behavioral Psychology

It is so easy! We harness the power of behavioral psychology to help you make small changes in your daily practice that lead to big results.

What is Streaking?

Streaking is practicing a behavior or strategy repetitively on consecutive days with the intent of creating a habit.

The key is to success is that the behavior is small and the commitment is easy!

How it Works?

Receive a challenge email on Monday introducing a simple research-based strategy guaranteed to improve your success rate working with vulnerable learners.

Practice the simple strategy, the minimum number of times daily.

Record (tally) your daily success and maintain your winning streak for the duration of the week!

Are You Ready to Get Started?

There is no crazy commitment. Streaking with Mockingbird is FREE. Register below to receive the weekly email.

Are You Ready to Take it to the Next Level?

Contact Mockingbird to learn more about membership, coaching, and streaking with our community.
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