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Mockingbird Education
Mockingbird Methodology
At A Glance
Design short 15-25 minute mini-lessons instead of long lessons.
- A learning sprint is typically collaborative, short, and fast paced.
- Pacing needs to be managed with learner comfort levels.
Organize information into small steps so complex information is easily digested.
- Chunking is a concept that applies to every aspect of teaching.
- Considering chunking the following:
- Directions
- Lesson
- Steps
- Content Activities
- Assignments
Combine written or oral material with illustrations.
Engage visual, verbal, and kinesthetic cues simultaneously in the moment of processing to help learners process, comprehend and encode information.
- The key to effective cues is using the cues together. The integration of the cues increases memory encoding and recall.
- Multi-sensory cues are great for facilitating flash reviews.
Flash Review Stop every 15-20 minutes and conduct a fast-paced REVIEW for the information taught in the PREVIOUS 15-20 minutes of instruction.
- Flash Reviews are a great tool to reorient learners to the topic, the learning goal, or what they should focus on.
- Use multi-sensory cues as an organizational tool to conduct fast-paced reviews.
- Hang cues on the wall. Similar to a vocabulary wall, the image wall is a great organization and review tool.
Periodically stop and change the mental, emotional, or physical energy (attention) in the room.
- Physical state changes like standing, stretching, and changing seats are the most under-utilized state changes.
- Always share the WHY with learners to create buy-in.
- Mental state changes include pair-shares, probing questions, discovery, and drawing.
- The easiest and fastest emotional state change is music.
Continually shift learners into different social groups to reflect, rehearse, and articulate information collaboratively.
- Moving learners in and out of social groups manages social dynamics and coaches learners in active participation.
- Moving students frequently in a classroom space requires strong behavioral management skills. To save time and create strong routines, use visual or auditory cues to signal learner movement.
Frequently stop during a lesson and ask learners to explain the information from the lesson segment in their own words.
- Strategies that induce self-explanation: Think-Pair-Share Minute Papers
- Predict-Explain-Observe-Re-explain
- Group Grid for classifying
- Draw a diagram or illustration
- Explained worked examples
Free Resources
How about some resources!
Download the following resources to use in your classroom and to help you remember the information that you learned.
Engagement Strategies
One Page Overview of Strategies.
Engagement Wall Cues
Wall Cues To Nudge You To Practice the Strategies.