Teach · CoacH · Mentor

Mockingbird Education


Biopsychosocial Approach

Biopsychosocial Approach

The Biopsychosocial Playbook helps practitioners understand the role that multi-dimensional role that biology, psychology, and sociology play in learning and how vulnerabilities impact the learning process.
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The trust-building playbook is an extensive collection of plays (strategies ) that foster and promote the trust-building process.
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The Engagement Playbook is a collection of facilitation plays (strategies) that minimize common attention and working memory limitations and improve comprehension and memory retention.

Learn how to manipulate content, the environment, or the participant experience to make information easier to pay attention to, easier to process and and ultimately to comprehend and retain.
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Productive Participation

Productive Participation

The Productive Participation Playbook is a collection of plays (strategies) to help learners develop the participation, interpersonal, and communication behaviors students need to actively, and comfortably participate in interactive learning experiences.

Learn a framework for teaching students new learning behaviors through facilitation, coaching, and development.
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Directing Attention

Directing Attention

The Directing Attention Playbook is a collection of plays (strategies) that help staff begin a behavioral platform that directs and manages participant attention. Learn how to use attention management strategies to direct and focus attention.
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The Coaching Playbook is a collection of plays (strategies) that help facilitators direct student attention and redirect off-task behavior. Learn how to direct individual student behaviors in a group setting and learn how to use facilitation techniques to increase ‘in-the-moment’ motivation and focus.
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Mentor Care Model

Mentor Care Model

The Mentor Care Model Playbook is a collection of plays (strategies) that help staff mentor students. The playbook is particularly effective for programs that need a unified and cohesive mentoring approach. Learn how to unify staff and cohesively organize the mentoring process.
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Classroom Culture

Classroom Culture

The Classroom Culture Playbook is a collection of plays (strategies) that help staff create a visible and inclusive learning culture. Learn how to establish rules, create policies, and establish norms of behavior that foster social cohesion and honor individual identity.
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Program Culture

Program Culture

The Program Culture Playbook is a collection of plays (strategies) for internalizing and operationalizing new staff behaviors within an organizational culture. Learn how to effectively integrate what staff learn in training and professional development workshops into the organizational culture so new behaviors and skills become operationalized.
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Understanding Vulnerability

Extensive Research

Extensive research substantiates the significant influence of vulnerability factors on both the learning process and the mental and emotional well-being of learners. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
